Zapote Picachos indigenous Village

Zapote Picachos indigenous Village, Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico – 2013. On a weekend during the Habitat Global Village Build the team visited an indigenous Wixárika Huichol village at Zapote Picachos located in the municipality of Tepic in the northern boundary with the municipality of El Nayar. The village is accessible only by boat and is on the reservoir of the Aguamilpa Dam on the Rio Grande de Santiago. The Wixárika Huichol, who use to live by the river were displaced in the mid 1990’s when the dam was built and Zapote Picachos is their second relocation because the first area they were moved to was not suitable because of floods in the rainy season. On this excursion we were accompanied by a group of three Americans and a local optometrist who were providing reading glasses to the village people. One of our team, Serge, also contributed a large supply of reading glasses for their use.
The village of Zapote Picachos, Tepic, Mexico
The village of Zapote Picachos, Tepic, Mexico
A house in the village of Zapote Picachos, Tepic, Mexico
A house in the village of Zapote Picachos, Tepic, Mexico
The village of Zapote Picachos, Tepic, Mexico
Traditional Huichol clothes, Zapote Picachos, Tepic, Mexico
Traditional Huichol clothes, Zapote Picachos, Tepic, Mexico
Preparing to distribute reading glasses, Zapote Picachos, Tepic, Mexico
Testing Blood Pressure, Zapote Picachos, Tepic, Mexico
Wixárika Huichol children, Zapote Picachos, Tepic, Mexico
Young Wixárika Huichol girl, Zapote Picachos, Tepic, Mexico
Young Wixárika Huichol girl, Zapote Picachos, Tepic, Mexico
Don Presenting soccer balls to the sports representatives, Zapote Picachos, Tepic, Mexico
The improvised clinic for eye and blood pressure testing, Zapote Picachos indigenous village, Tepic, Mexico
The school and soccer field at Zapote Picachos, Tepic, Mexico
Testing for reading glasses, Zapote Picachos indigenous village, Tepic, Mexico
Wixárika Huichol children, Zapote Picachos, Tepic, Mexico
Young Wixárika Huichol girl, Zapote Picachos, Tepic, Mexico
Boy with slingshot, Zapote Picachos indigenous village, Tepic, Mexico
Old ladies in the village of Zapote Picachos indigenous village, Tepic, Mexico